Delta Controls Cloud Engineering for Every Building Challenge


Cloud Engineering offers South Florida Controls the flexibility and agility needed to meet customer project schedule needs at any moment. A network of cloud-based virtual controllers allows SFC to quickly program, create databases, and design graphics, providing a solution for every project schedule.

Benefits of Delta Controls Cloud Engineering

Cloud Engineering has become a mainstream technology that’s allowing South Florida Controls to propel to the next level of performance. While one of the greatest benefits to Cloud Engineering is financial savings, there are many more reasons for investing in South Florida Controls Cloud Engineering services.

  • Less time spent on site. Because it’s where the whole network is typically available, most engineers finish tests, and troubleshoot programming and graphics on site. But sending engineers to a site is costly. Cloud Engineering has the ability to simultaneously host multiple controllers so you can finish and test before going on site.

  • Improved task completion. Once a virtual site is set up it can easily be connected to client software like Operator Workstation (OWS) to create, configure, and save controller databases on the OWS. This speeds up and facilitates offline programming, front-end testing, and other tasks without additional hardware costs.

  • Increased collaboration. Not only can engineers program and work on graphics from anywhere they have an internet connection, but because all virtual sites are accessible to multiple team members at the same time, they can collaborate more easily and efficiently, seeing changes made in real-time.

Finally, Delta Controls Cloud Engineering makes for faster project cycles by letting us to pass the virtual site over to our graphics developer while starting up another site and continuing programming.

Meeting BAS Challenges Head-on

Delta Controls enjoys a longstanding reputation for ground-breaking building control products and advanced technologies in integrated, seamless systems. SFC is proud to partner with Delta to bring the latest innovations in Cloud Engineering for BAS to our clients.

“Our use of so many diverse applications, combined with our professional team, make SFC unparalleled when delivering the solution our clients need,” says VP & Principal Christopher Ramos. Delta Controls Cloud Engineering is just one more way for building owners and managers to improve a building’s efficiency and optimize costs.

Christopher Ramos